Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Farmers market?

Hi its sophie in china now its my turn to "blog"

I saw ALOT in the farmers market thing today.. I mean ALOT.

I saw, SNAKES, DOGS, CATS, oh by the way there were no beds for the animals or food! Just some plastic bags to put them in.
To start this um..lets say interesting experience, we got down the stairs and saw this circle with like 50 people and like a zillion cops surrounding one guy, on the floor, ripped pants, ripped shirt, and a pool of blood on him and an ocean of blood around him. Showed me how welcoming this market place was!!! Then we saw some nice starfish, snakes, and BEAUTIFUL snake skin..NOT. To be honest, I had no idea china had an ocean!! Then we turned the corner and saw something that looked like either the animal section or the main course. I saw really cute puppies, exept i knew they were all from gross puppy mills. So i gave everyone who was selling them a dirty look, thats how I roll. I must interupt this story. I have to say, ruby is counting right now and it is the cutest thing in the world. When she counts to 10 she says 3 like thabee and 6 like sidey and 7 like seben SO CUTE.CANT STAND IT!
Anyways, where was I, animals, main course...oh ya ok so after the *dinner department*, we shopped around and i stepped in ALOT of spit. Ew, I am eating dried apples and thinking of the snake skin, ok done with my dried apples. So after about 30 minutes of shopping around , eve and my mom were trying to make a "chineese deal" over what I think were fake pearls. I was standing next to Clara and Billy and holding onto rubys stroller. I had like 25 yuons or something sticking out of my pocket, I had no idea. All of the sudden I feel a hand reach in my pocket. I FREEKED OUT. I jumped and yelped. Everyone thought I was crazy. My heart was beating so fast, i didnt know a heart could go so fast. My hands were shaking for like..what 40 minutes somewhere around there. I was SO beyond done being there. I wanted out, so we left and our dogs were barkin. My brother suggested I get pepper spray and a whistle. I thought that was a brilliant idea! But i guess its not sunday and we are not in good old, safe Brentwood, god i miss brentwood! On the way out we saw our lovely friend in the middle of the street yelling and looked so angry.

P.S. our lovely friend is the guy who got beet up in the begging of this adventure.

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