Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bon Voyage Robert!

Just as Robert left for the airport Sophie started puking. I guess she held it in until he left because he really doesn't like a mess!
As I stood in the middle of our room which looks like an amusement park/tenament covered in barf I realized that the journey has just begun!
Not two minutes later the phone rang -Billy had tripped over the glass table in his room and cut open his leg which he told me was
I took a deep breath and ran down the hall throw up and all to find him lying on the floor screaming.
Back to the room, Ruby woke up with her usual smile and Sophie was smiling back at her. THe calm......
101.5 not too bad for soph-schocked that she was smiling. The magic of Motrin.

Our afternnon was spent shopping in Changsha. Intersting. Not sure what is real and what isn't here.
We bought a pair of Nike high tops for 20 dollars-they came in the box and everything? They look and feel like Nike?
Billy still hasn't found his size yet. After a few hours in search for Billy's size, we found out that Yao Ming's shoes are from the good old USA!

This City is a combo of mexico/tijuana/las vegas/tijuana/tijuana/atlantic city/tijuana/chop suey?

THe hotel-well, it says it's a Sheraton but that must mean something else in Chinese. It says it's 5 star but not sure they know what that means? I am not sure about anything here? It shoud be called Ripleys belive it Or not. Nothing really is what it seems?
Not sure that makes sense and don't get me wrong the accomadations are very nice but it's almost like a facade. My guide who took us shopping yesterday helped me buy some cream at the pharmacy-he negotiated the price and then asked me for 20 yuan-I gladly handed it to him and then the cashier handed back a ten to him but he gave it back to her? Dunb american tourist I guess?

Ruby is string 3 words together now. I put her on antiboitics and suddenly her hair is getting darken and her cheeks are rosey! When she arrived she had a giant cough and a green nose.

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